Dear Friends,

This has been a challenging week. I want to acknowledge and thank so many of you for stepping up to help your neighbors by housing one another, sharing resources, and helping out at food and water distributions. Every time our community is tested, we have seen ordinary people define what it means to be a community.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for some of our elected leaders. In a state with the wealth and resources that we have, every Texan deserves and should have their basic needs met. This past week, that was not the case. Those in power have been more interested in using this disaster to falsely lay the blame on climate initiatives, rather than taking responsibility for helping families who are suffering. Because the truth is this disaster is the direct result of relying on a deregulated system that prioritizes profit over people. Rest assured that I will be demanding accountability from those responsible.
Winter Storm Resource Guide in E
As our community begins to recover, Precinct One has compiled a list of resources in English and Spanish to help our residents. This includes information about food and water distributions, recovery resources from FEMA and Harris County, and rental assistance, among others. Please share this information far and wide with those who may need assistance.

Precinct One will do our best to make sure you have the information and resources that you need to navigate these difficult times.
Stay tuned to our social media channels for the latest information about upcoming supply distributions, information on how to access recovery resources, and other updates.

We will make it through this together.


Rodney Ellis

Harris County Precinct One
Downtown Office
1001 Preston, 9th Floor
Houston, Texas 77002

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